1. Manuscript Format
1.1. Manuscript Format: Title and Abstract
Select a title that accurately and clearly tells what the paper is about. Choose title terms as highly specific as content and emphasis of the paper permit. The typical length is might 6 to 12 words. Avoid special symbols and formulas in titles unless essential to indicate content. An abstract is essential for each paper with 200 to 300 words for a regular paper and 100 words for a short paper. The abstract should state the objectives of the work, summarize the results, and give the principal conclusions. Abstracts must not include mathematical expressions or bibliographic references. Non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided, but if essential they must be defined at their first mention in the abstract itself.
1.2. Manuscript Format: Figure and Table
Figures include graphs of results, schematic drawings, samples of output screen dumps, and photographs of special equipment or displays. Each figure should be numbered and have a caption. Care should be taken to ensure that the legends and labels within the figure are large enough to be readable after they are reduced. For final submissions, high quality (at least 600 dpi) figures should be included. Number tables consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text. Place footnotes to tables below the table body and indicate them with superscript lowercase letters.
1.3. Manuscript Format: Reference
Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa). Unpublished results and personal communications are not recommended in the reference list, but may be mentioned in the text. The followings are examples for references:
- Reference to a Journal: Yang, J., Wang, L., & Shakya, S. (2022). Modelling Network Traffic and Exploiting Encrypted Packets to Detect Stepping-stone Intrusions. Journal of Internet Services and Information Security (JISIS), 12(1), 2-25.
- Reference to Published in Conference Proceedings: Yang, J., Wang, L., & Shakya, S. (2022). Modelling Network Traffic and Exploiting Encrypted Packets to Detect Stepping-stone Intrusions. Proceedings of International Conference on JISIS, Korea, 110(2), 110-125.
- Reference to a thesis: Yang, J., Enabling Network-based Mobility Management in Next-Generation All-IP Networks: Analysis from the perspective of Security and Performance, Ph.D. Thesis, Sungkyunkwan University, January 2010.
- Reference to a book: Yang, J. (2022). Mobile IPv6, 3rd ed., JoWUA press.
- Reference to a chapter in an edited book: Yang, J. (2022). Advances in Wireless Security. JISIS Press, Korea, 110-125.
- Reference to a web page: Mobility EXTensions for IPv6, May 2013, http://datatracker.ietf.org/wg/mext/charter/ [Online; accessed on May 20, 2021].
2. Peer Review Process
JISIS adopts the single-blind peer review process as follows:
The submitted manuscripts are evaluated by anonymous referees for originality, relevance, and presentation. Revisions requested by the editor should be submitted through which will be forwarded directly to that editor. After the refereeing process is complete, a handing editor makes a decision for acceptance or rejection. There are two types of revisions: major or minor. For a major revision, original referees will be invited to review the manuscript again, and make a recommendation. For a minor revision, no more reviews are required, the handing editor makes the final decision of acceptance if both the content and format are acceptable.
3. Once Accepted
If the reviewed manuscript is acceptable, we will send you a detailed guide and an author checklist for final manuscript submission requirements. And each author will be asked to sign a copyright form. Please note that the manuscript will not be published without the signed copyright form.As an open access title, publishing an article in this journal requires an Open Access Charge that will be billed to the submitting author following acceptance. Apart from this Open Access Charge there are no other fees (for example submission charges, page charges, or color charges).
The Open Access Charge for the journal is $950.
4. For the authors of conference (or workshop) papers
If an author wants to submit JISIS, the extended version of her or his conference paper, she or he should consider the followings:
- The author should cite the conference paper while clearly describing it is extended for the journal version.
- The conference paper should be considerably extended by at least 30%.
- The extended paper should not include the figures, tables, and paragraphs used in its conference version.
5. Contact Information
For further details and/or if you have any questions/suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact the editorial board
or directly Editor-in-Chief of JISIS.
or directly Editor-in-Chief of JISIS.
6. The copyright
After a paper is accepted, its authors should agree with and sign the COPYRIGHT AND CONSENT FORM.
JISIS follows the BOAI definition of open access as well as the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License.
7. Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission’s compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
- The base font is Times New Roman. The text is single-spaced; uses a 11-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined above.