ISSN: 2182-2069 (printed) / ISSN: 2182-2077 (online)
SRMDS: Hybrid Cryptography with Block Chain for Secure and Reliable Medical Data Sharing in E-Health Systems
Medical data sharing can increase diagnosis precision in an e-health system where security and privacy are essential objectives. Blockchain (BC) has been proposed as a potential way of improving the exchange of personal health information (PHI) due to its unchangeability. But, there is still a need for improvement in terms of patient privacy protection and PHI sharing security. Thus, this study presents a secure and reliable medical data sharing (SRMDS) system. This system consists of Consortium BC (CBC), private BC (PBC), and hybrid cryptography. Every patient's PHI has been encrypted employing advanced encryption standards (AES) to improve privacy preservation, and adaptive elliptic curve cryptography (AECC) are employed to conduct the AES key's encryption. The AES key and PHI ciphertexts are kept in a block on the hospital's private BC. Additionally, PHI's keyword is sent to the CBC. By looking up the relevant PHI keyword, the physician can retrieve a patient's PHI from the PBC. Simulation results demonstrate that the suggested SRMDS-based electronic health (e-health) system reduces storage overhead, encryption, and decryption, enhancing patient confidentiality and safety preservation