ISSN: 2182-2069 (printed) / ISSN: 2182-2077 (online)
Security Mechanism in MAMATA Healthcare System using Rule Based Algorithm for Maternal Hospitals and Pathology Laboratories
Recently, innovation in the digital health industry has grown steadily, trending with medical cyber-physical systems’ (MCPS) integrated solutions, regulations, real-time analytics, and software frameworks. Amid these advancements, the paramount concern is the security of medical information, particularly in maternity hospitals where data breaches must be rigorously avoided. While some researchers have explored security methods, they have encountered limitations and identified existing risks. In this research article, the authors attempted a novel security mechanism/method to discover and miti-gate trending vulnerabilities, drawing reference from the OWASP (Open Web Applica-tion Security Project) Top 10 Report 2017/2020. The author’s approach leverages a rule-based algorithm, enhancing the robustness of the security mechanism. This innova-tive method is named MAMATA Agent/BOT (i.e. Medi-cal-Data-Access-for-Maternal-Treatment-in-rural-Area). Additionally, the authors have tried to extend their previous research attempt, by depicting different turns of events and applying a more stable, secured structure tailored to medical applications. The MCPS system and security mechanism are implemented within PHP and Laravel environments, resulting in enhanced outcomes compared to prior work. As a result, quantitative data presented with comparative analysis in tabular format validly proves the effectiveness of proposed methods by detecting and/or fixing majorly 7 to 9 vulnerabilities (out of the top 10). ‘Burp Suite Proxy’, ‘Nikto’ etc. tools were used for testing. This document can serve as a handy reference for people researching medical data access.