ISSN: 2182-2069 (printed) / ISSN: 2182-2077 (online)
Attainment Calculation and Performance Analysis of under Graduate Engineering Programme Outcomes and Programme Specific Outcomes using Empirical Deep Learning
Outcome based Education (OBE) is the standard and most of the institutions are adopting the OBE. In this method, after graduation students will success in their carrier. In existing methods are traditional way of teaching and students scoring only marks so not possible to better employability. OBE is implemented to produce all the graduates are employable and follows OBE standards in engineering programmes. In this paper we use empirical deep learning approach to calculate the attainment of Programme Outcomes (POs) and Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs). Here we use under graduate engineering batch and their performance is taken for evaluation. Overall attainment calculated based on each courses attainment results and activities. At the end, we test the batch wise results and compare the performance.