ISSN: 2182-2069 (printed) / ISSN: 2182-2077 (online)
Security Challenges in the Cloud of Things (CoT)
CoT is the integration of cloud computing and the Internet of Things (IoT). Cloud security encompasses a range of strategies and protocols to safeguard information, apps, and infrastructure housed in the cloud. These technologies enable the authentication of user and device identities, the administration of data and resource access, and data privacy protection. Cloud security is a distinct area of expertise within the realm of cyber defence that focuses specifically on protecting the infrastructure supporting cloud computing. Every web-based platform, application, and infrastructure must comply with this data security and privacy standard. The task of guaranteeing the security of these systems is shared by both cloud service providers and their clients, which may include individuals, small or medium-sized organizations, or massive corporations. The IoT facilitates digital transformation across various industries, including smart power grids, urban infrastructure management, healthcare, and manufacturing. The Internet of Everything (IoE) is in development, with its foundation being its global interconnectedness of people, processes, and surroundings. The inclusion of additional aspects, for instance, the classical model, multi-contract, flexibility, and the multilayer dependence stack, in the cloud model has presented a more complex security challenge. This article thoroughly examines the cloud security risks arising from deploying IoT devices. We carefully evaluated the problem, including many factors such as cloud architecture, available cloud features, cloud stakeholders, and cloud service delivery models. This paper provides a scrupulous analysis of the issue of cloud security and specifies the crucial components that any proposed security solution for the IoT must have.