ISSN: 2182-2069 (printed) / ISSN: 2182-2077 (online)
Attention LSTM framework for Aspect-enabled Sentiment Analysis
Sentiment analysis is the automated analysis of the input data and identify the attitude of the person from the text. Aspect-enabled Sentiment Analysis demonstrates the relationship within the opinion aims of a particular document and the polarity values between the texts while aspects are implied, it is very complex job to analysis and compute the corresponding polarity. In modern days, various techniques and enhancements have been involved for solving these kinds of issues in an efficient way while the correlated aspects through the pre-defined groups and could scuffle when the involvement of the low performed aspects. The Attention LSTM framework is incorporated in this proposed work for performing the sentiment analysis using the attention LSTM framework could focus on various sentence parts while the different kind of aspects are involved in the input text and the IMDB movie review dataset is used for aspect-enabled sentiment analysis. Experimental results shown that the proposed technique has produced 94.5% accuracy and the relevant techniques of SVM, RNN, and LSTM in various performance metrics.