- Mohamed EL BEKRI
Université Mohammed V de Rabat
ISSN: 2182-2069 (printed) / ISSN: 2182-2077 (online)
Dynamic Inertia Weight Particle Swarm Optimization for Anomaly Detection: A case of Precision Irrigation
Anomaly-based Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a type of IDS that detects abnormal behaviors by analyzing system activity and network traffic. Anomaly-based IDS works by establishing a baseline of normal behavior for a system or a network. However, these types of systems are less used compared to signature-based IDS for one primary challenge: How to define this normal behavior baseline? The answer to this question is complicated, since it involves not only analyzing or learning from historical data, but requires and understanding of the business domain the system is implemented in. The present study proposes a novel approach to constructing an unsupervised data classifier that combines both Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and clustering techniques for anomaly detection. The primary objective of this methodology is to surmount the limitations that conventional clustering algorithms suffer from, such as their inability to identify non-linear patterns within the data, susceptibility to initial conditions, and difficulty in overcoming the problem of local optima. The concept of particle systems is discussed by examining their origins, search strategies, and convergence mechanisms. We use a variant of the Particle Swarm Optimization called Dynamic Inertia Weight-Particle Swarm optimization (DIW-PSO) for our clustering process, and we elaborate on the reasoning behind this decision. Subsequently, we describe the labeling algorithm used for the resulting clusters and we explain the process for identifying anomalous clusters.We have demonstrated the effectiveness of our method by applying it to an intelligent irrigation control system for cotton plants. The results show that our classifier was able to accurately detect abnormal patterns that deviated from the optimal water requirements and growth conditions of the plants;