ISSN: 2182-2069 (printed) / ISSN: 2182-2077 (online)
Decentralized Multi-authority Anonymous Authentication for Global Identities with Non-interactive Proofs
A decentralized multi-authority anonymous authentication scheme that is suitable for IoT and blockchains is proposed, in which a prover and a verifier are non-interactive. The proposed scheme can treat dynamically increasing/decreasing independent attribute authorities. When an entity wants the authorities to issue attribute credentials, the authorities only have to generate digital signatures on her global identity. Two security definitions are given; resistance against eavesdrop-and-collude attacks that cause misauthentication, and anonymity for privacy protection. Then a construction of our scheme is described under a principle of “commit-to-ID” to attain resistance against the collusion attacks. There are two building blocks; the structure-preserving signature scheme and the Groth-Sahai non-interactive proof system, the both of which are in the setting of bilinear groups. The proposed scheme is proved to be secure in the standard model.