ISSN: 2182-2069 (printed) / ISSN: 2182-2077 (online)
“Smart Mobile Civic” based on the Project Citizen Model as an Effort to Optimize Citizenship Learning in the Independent Campus Era
The goals of this study is to develop an "Integration Model for Strengthening the Nation's Character through Smart Mobile Civic" based on the Project Citizen Learning Model in order to improve citizenship learning in the era of the autonomous campus. The novelty of social science and technology products on the "Smart Mobile Civic" model based on the Project Citizen Model, which is a computer program application to integrate the values of the nation's character based on the Minimum Competency Assessment (AKM) that measures digital literacy skills based on the "Character Survey" in which focuses on character assessment, attitudes, up to customary values in non-cognitive learning aspects to be applied by universities in implementing the Independent Learning Curriculum in Civics learning. Development research (RnD) was used as a method in this study Triangulation of Data and Sources was employed to collect data, which was then evaluated using an interactive analytic model. Indicators of the success of the implementation of this research are universities, both public and private university (Joined in Partners of the Association of Pancasila and Citizenship Education Lecturers (ADPK) in DIY, Java, and Bali so that they can help to develop the nation's character model's integration as part of citizen competency in the field of Citizenship Education and accomplishments comprehensive learning in order to generate graduates with great personalities who will actively engage in responsibly solving the countries problems and its implications for the fields of Social Humanities, Arts and Culture, and Education. The results showed that: The "Smart Mobile Civic" model is an alternative online learning system used in citizenship learning, because it explores more learning materials so that there are variations in learning activities, to create innovation and development of science and technology. This is in line with efforts to improve the quality of Citizenship Education learning in accordance with the demands of education in the 21st century and the industrial era 5.0, where the final goal is expected to be that students have the ability and skills to think critically, creatively, collaborate, communicate skills, and be able to related to technological literacy. Adaptation of learning technology is a necessity in the process of the Digital Revolution. The digital revolution can use various media, one of which is by developing the Project Citizen model aligned with the creativity needs of students as part of the manifestation of their intellectual attitude which is manifested in "Smart Mobile Civic".